Tattoo Removal
There are a number of ways to attempt tattoo removal, in all cases the process is painful, possibly scarring, and requires multiple treatments. When you hear “tattoo removal” we really mean tattoo fading with the hope of total fade (removal) . . . You should know that many times total ‘removal’ doesn’t happen. Your skin color, the type of approach (chemical, etc.), equipment (type of laser), or the type of ink used, can all effect how well you tattoo fades . . . and how fast.
Here is a short list of possible ways to “remove” your tattoo:
· Laser Removal (burn it off from under the skin)
· Chemical (burn it off on top of the skin)
· Abrasion (sand it off)
· Excision (cut it out)
· Variot Tattoo Removal (tattoo it off with chemicals)
· Bleaching/Fading Creams (poor results and many can cause cancer)
Today, by far the best way to remove a tattoo is to have laser treatments. There are professionals scattered across the world that specialize in this procedure. Because of the number of people wanting their tattoos removed, clinics are popping up everywhere. The key will be to ensure that wherever you go, they tattoo removal specialist uses: the correct laser, clean and sterile conditions, and clinically acceptable procedures.
Spend some time finding a competent person to do this. Specifically (and whenever possible), given the potential reactions, side effects, and interactions to be considered, you would ideally want a physician overseeing the treatments. Some states restrict laser use solely to physicians, while other states allow anyone with the proper certification to use the lasers.
If you are considering chemical, abrasion, or fading creams to remove your tattoo, you are best to go to a dermatologist (skin specialist) for oversight and selection or products.
If excision (cut it out) is your choice, you need a plastic surgeon to determine if it makes sense, and to map out an approach.
In all, whomever you select to do this should be medically trained, obtain a full history and assessment of your risks, potential outcomes, and be able to address any side effects or unanticipated complications. After all, this is a medical procedure and should be treated accordingly.
Laser Tattoo Treatments
Laser treatments are the fastest, safest, least scarring, and most affordable approach to successful tattoo removal. Once you’ve found a competent laser tattoo removal specialist, there are a few basics you must understand. First and foremost, you need to make sure they have the right laser for your skin type.
Also, any type of infection brewing, or recent skin infection recovery, especially Herpes infections, should prompt you to re-schedule your appointment until after a full resolution of the symptoms. Some medications can cause a reaction with the laser so be sure to bring a list to your appointment.
Also remember to mention any history of keloid formation or abnormal healing as this may occur after the procedure and not help the outcome.
Laser treatments tend to work better on lighter skin, and take longer with more possible complications on darker skin.
Amateur/prison/house party tattoos can usually be successfully treated after 5 to 10 sessions in two month intervals. Professional tattoos and those with heavy metals in their ink are usually more resistant, and may require as many as 20 visits! But remember to be patient.